My dear old friend/former housemate is having herself a babeeeeee!
Just in time, my LYSO announced Elizabeth Zimmerman's much made Baby Surprise Jacket as the next KAL. Since I've been working the test knit baby sweater, I almost resisted - until Vicki made me touch the suggested yarn. Whoa nelly, I could not wait to get my hands in it! I am using Fiesta Yarn's Boomerang in Caribbean. It is so super yummy. Bright, delicious colorway that will work whether Heidi births herself a boy or a girl and fabulously soft and springy.
I've been unable to put it down. This pattern is insane. How on earth does anyone think out such a thing? Seriously, it is designed in 3-D. You get some weird schmooshy thing that somehow folds perfectly into a sweater. I get why EZ is considered a genius now.
So, I was tearing along. Bought the yarn last Thursday and it looked as though I'd finish it tonight except...I am about two (maybe three) bloody yards short on yarn. ugh. I've sent Vickie a message asking her to pull some out for me to pick up tomorrow. Soooooo close....
13 years ago
good job!!! if i do it again, i think i will put a collar or hood on it...i did start to wonder if i would lose my mind before i finished but thanks to the online support i had.... would have loved lys kal better but...